Threat Intelligence and Host Information

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This page was generated as a result of this host being detected actively attacking or scanning another host. See below for information related to the host network, location, number of days noticed, protocols attacked and other information including reverse DNS and whois.

Known Malicious Host 🔴 80/100

Host and Network Information

  • Mitre ATT&CK IDs: T1078 - Valid Accounts, T1083 - File and Directory Discovery, T1098.004 - SSH Authorized Keys, T1105 - Ingress Tool Transfer, T1110 - Brute Force, T1110.004 - Credential Stuffing
  • Tags: Brute-Force, Bruteforce, Nextray, SSH, Scanner, Webattack, brute-force, bruteforce, cowrie, cyber security, digital ocean, ioc, last update, malicious, phishing, scanners, scanning, smtp, ssh, tcp, unique count, windows server
  • View other sources: Spamhaus VirusTotal
  • Contained within other IP sets: blocklist_de, blocklist_de_ssh, stopforumspam_180d, stopforumspam_365d

  • Country: Bolivia, Plurinational State of
  • Network: AS6568 entel s.a. - entelnet
  • Noticed: 50 times
  • Protcols Attacked: ssh
  • Countries Attacked: Australia, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America

Open Ports Detected

111 21 22 23 5353 9

CVEs Detected

CVE-2016-20012 CVE-2017-15906 CVE-2018-15473 CVE-2018-15919 CVE-2018-20685 CVE-2019-6109 CVE-2019-6110 CVE-2019-6111 CVE-2020-14145 CVE-2020-15778 CVE-2021-36368 CVE-2021-41617 CVE-2023-28531


Links to attack logs

bruteforce-ip-list-2023-02-02 bruteforce-ip-list-2022-06-02 bruteforce-ip-list-2022-06-13 dolondon-ssh-bruteforce-ip-list-2022-06-21