Port 19200 Information

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Information about Port 19200

  • This is a collection of basic information about port 19200 gathered from various sources, including TCP and UDP services as well as the number of source and target IPs attacked on these ports. This information is up to date as of 2020-12-08.

Known Applications

  • Dangerous Driving
  • DC Universe Online
  • DC Universe Online Steam
  • Epic Games Launcher
  • FIFA 12
  • FIFA 13
  • FIFA 14
  • FIFA 15
  • FIFA 16
  • FIFA 17
  • FIFA 18
  • FIFA 19
  • FIFA 20
  • FIFA 21
  • FIFA 21 Steam
  • Madden NFL 19
  • Madden NFL 20
  • Madden NFL 21
  • Madden NFL 21 Steam
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda Playstation 4
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda Xbox One
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda Steam